
About Me

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Hello, nice to meet you! I started going gluten free in October of 2010. It was an adventure and still is. That is why I blog. I hope you enjoy visiting with me!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Gluten Free Mania

Since I found out that I have Celiac disease, my life, and my eating habits have changed. Anyone who has been down this road can relate to the bombardment of suddenly realizing that nearly everything in your diet has some wheat product in it. How frustrating just the realization was, that everything had to change and as quickly as possible. And then the flooding of information on gluten free materials, blogs, recipes, and sympathizers with their support groups come rushing to your aid out of nowhere. After about a month you find yourself eating things that taste like they came straight from the barn floor, and wondering if this is what you're stuck with for the rest of your life. Then with renewed strength and resolve you decide to forget the gluten free mania, and eat only veggies and protein, only to realize your mood swings, irritability, and fatigue are from not getting enough nutrients. Because lets face it, it's a heck of a lot easier to eat a burger with no bun, than down spinach and turnips.

And so the birth of yet another blog has come to pass! And I'm writing it. Ironic yes. Helpful... I hope.
I plan to record some of the tasty and not so tasty gluten free products in order to help other despaired Celiac souls.

Thanks for coming along on my Adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Thought you might like to see this website:
